Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Boise Art Museum Essay Example for Free

Boise Art Museum Essay Boise Art Museum is located in a serene environment with beautifully manicured lawns adorned with various artifacts. I had the privilege of visiting this renowned museum on 18th August 2003. During this time an exhibition showing the ceramic artistic works of Wanxin Zhang was ongoing. The ceramic works featured Chinese figures molded to the height of an average person and each piece having its own uniqueness. Each of the figures represented different emotions and personalities. Some of the figures even had clothing that depicted a combination of tradition and modernity. One astonishing aspect about the figures is how the artist managed such art with such huge ceramics. This depicted mastery of the art. Although all the figures were brown in color and more or less of the same size, it was very easy to discern differences in terms of the emotions and personalities displayed by the clothing, posture and facial expressions. This outlined how diversity can be achieved in art just by varying aspects such as posture and facial expression. The technique was superb as the artist managed utilize contour to bring out contrast in different parts of the body and to create outline for the clothing. The finishing was also smooth and rough surfaces were meant to bring certain aspects of the figure such as clothing. The figures are also amazing due to the extent that they manage to combine tradition and modernity. Looking at the figures one also notices the sense of humor of the artist. Some figures were adorned with glasses and some had neck ties. This gave the figures a funny and a ridiculous look. Generally the artist outlined how possible though ridiculous it would be to combine tradition and modernity in a single piece of work. This is actually a very rare observation considering that the figures still manage to look artistic and portray a rich Chinese culture. Reference: Boise Art Museum. (2010, August 18). Wanxin Zhang: A Ten Year Survey. Retrieved August 18, 2010, from Boise Art Museum: http://boiseartmuseum. org/exhibit/current. php

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Response to the Front Kick :: essays research papers

LINE Training 2 – Response to the Front Kick The purpose of this document is to provide the reader with a clear explanation of the maneuvers contained in Series 2 of Marine Corps LINE Training. LINE stands for Linear Infighting Neuro-override Engagement. It is based on the principle of using the brain’s involuntary reactions to traumatic injury to gain an advantage over an opponent. Despite its brutality, the technique is intended only to be used for self-defense. All LINE tactics begin with a quick reversal, followed by a ‘softening blow’ to cause some form of trauma, and then end with a killing blow. MATERIALS Because this will be an unarmed combat exercise, no extra materials will be necessary other than a willing opponent to assist with the maneuver. PROCEDURE 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Assuming that the opponent is kicking with the right leg, and that you are standing to face to face with him, quickly roll on the balls of your feet until you are facing nearly 45 degrees to the right of your original position. This should place you out of the path of the attack so that you could watch your opponent’s foot go by you. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Strike the side of their foot with both of your palms. The force of the blow, combined with their momentum, should be sufficient enough to spin your opponent away from you. You should now be standing behind him. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Close the distance between you and your opponent by grabbing their shoulders. Move quickly to take advantage of their lack of balance. Place your right foot against the back of their left knee and then step forward and down onto it. . Use your weight to force him to his knees. If done properly, this should break the patella, tear the cartilage in the knee, and possibly cause serious tendon and ligament damage as well. This is the softening blow. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Stand quickly and stabilize your opponent by placing your right hand on his right shoulder. You should still be behind him. Using your left hand, place your palm on the top of his head and sink your fingers into his eye sockets. Simultaneously gouge and lift upwards with your fingers, until his chin is high enough to expose his throat. 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Release your right hand, close it into a fist and raise it into the air. Gouge the fingers of your left hand deeper into the eyes to keep your opponent incapacitated and strike downwards in a hammer-blow motion, using the side of your fist.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Understand Child and Young Peoples Development

3. 1/3. 1 Explain how to monitor children and young people’s development using different methods: Monitoring children and young people’s development using different methods such as an observation, where I would watch the child closely in different contexts depending on which area I was observing e. g. social development I would observe outside in the play area or in group activity. I would write up notes of what the child is doing, how they are interacting with others, their capability within the pre-school and then from this I would be able to tell their ability within the age range and if help was needed I would then put in a referral or organise a development plan. Communicating with the parent/career is also a great way of learning about the child as they may do things at home which they may not be confident in doing in the pre-school. All records and feedback found/used would be shared with the parent/career about the findings if any. Always remembering, to take into account their culture/EAL, and any issues with these. 3. 1/3. 2 Explain the reasons why children and young people’s development may not follow the expected pattern: There are many reasons that a child/person may not follow their expected development pattern – Emotional/social: They may not have the confidence, may prefer their own company which means their personal space is very important to them. Who and where they are socialising. Physical/mental abuse: If a child witnesses or experiences this, it could affect their how they value/control their own emotional feelings. Culture: There are many things they can and can’t do due to culture beliefs, poverty, not enough money, poor health, lack of resources or facilities or just lack of UTW. Disability: If they are unable to use certain parts of their body. Not having the facilities/resources available to them. Environment: If they do not associate or live around in a multi culture area they might not understand their environmental needs. 3. 1/3. 3 Explain how disability may affect development: If a child has a physical development they may not develop in their gross motor skills as quick as others. They may have a lack in motivation in participating which will impact on their development as they will not pay attention. If they do not have the correct resources/equipment then they will not develop as they will not have the help which may be required. They may be subject to discrimination or prejudice for this they may be treated different from the other children. They may not have the ability to learn, communicate or understand. There are many different types of learning disabilities from small to large problems that may affect their whole life.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

A1 Syllabus FIN 423 SPRING 2015 Financial Analysis And...

Syllabus: FINANCIAL ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT (FIN 423) Spring 2015 The class meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 2:00pm-3:50pm in P-149. Instructor: Babak Lotfaliei Office: SSE 3304, Tel: 619-594-4790 E-mail: Office Hours: 4:00pm-6:00pm Mondays, (or by appointment) Assigned Examination Date: Monday 11 May, 1:00pm-3:00pm COURSE DESCRIPTION This four-credit course is for students who major in finance. By the end of this course, students will understand the practice of financial management through attending lectures, assignments, cases and exam preparation. This is an applied course where you learn how to apply the theory to real world cases. A solid understanding of principles in ï ¬ nance, accounting and†¦show more content†¦Presentation reviews are due on Thursday 11:00pm following the presentation day. HB 1: Assessing a company’s performance: Presentation by groups Peer review for Case 1 is due before beginning the class Week 5, Feb-16 Week 5, Feb-18 (7) Evaluating projects B- Chpt 8 10, H- Chpt 7, R- Chpt 9 11 Case report 2 is due before beginning the class. Presentation reviews are due on Thursday 11:00pm following the presentation day. HB 2: The O.M. Scott Sons Co.: Presentation by groups Peer review for Case 2 is due before beginning the class Week 6, Feb-23 Week 6, Feb-25 (8) Financial markets risk, Financing decisions B- Chpt 2 11 15, H- Chpt 5 6, R- Chpt 12 13 15 Case report 3 is due before beginning the class.